Zeitschrift für Internationale Strafrechtswissenschaft

The editors of Zeitschrift für Internationale Strafrechtswissenschaft – accept the challenges that continuing globalization and multimedia networking pose to criminal law. In particular, the “Europeanization of Criminal Law” is to be taken into closer consideration. As a modern medium, the Internet offers a wealth of opportunities that the traditional print media cannot provide.
Therefore, this journal is planning to give room to short and longer academic essays dealing with German and international criminal law as well as criminal procedure law. As a result, long publication delays are generally able to be avoided, as is the problem of having to develop scientific ideas and publishing them in a self-dependent unprofitable way.
Therefore, the editors of Zeitschrift für Internationale Strafrechtswissenschaft want to take advantage of an internet present medium such as the Internet. Hence, it was established as an online review medium. Users can easily call up either the whole issue or just a single contribution and, if required, print it. By filing the older issues in an online archive access to every published contribution is assured. PDF-files are designed in a very legible standard, allowing an exact per page citation just like in traditional print media (citation proposal: Herzberg, ZfIStw 3/2022, 253).
Essays, comments on judgments and literature reviews will be published in German but also in other languages (authors can find more details here).
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© 2021–2024 Prof. Dr. Thomas Rotsch, Geschäftsführender Herausgeber der Zeitschrift für Internationale Strafrechtswissenschaft