Zeitschrift für Internationale Strafrechtswissenschaft

International Advisory Board
The “Journal for International Doctrine in Criminal Law” (Zeitschrift für Internationale Strafrechtswissenschaft) has always strived to provide a – worldwide – forum not only for national but also for foreign and international criminal law. Following its positive reception among academics and practicioners, its editorial board could now be complemented by an international section. The editors are pleased to have been able to win over Prof. Dr. Kai Ambos (University of Göttingen), Judge at the State Court Göttingen, to be the coordinator of this section. An international editorial committee will be set up in order to provide him with the necessary support and to emphasize the international orientation of the journal. The committee’s primary task would be to solicit and review articles from foreign colleagues. These articles could be published in their original languages with preference given to English, French, Italian and Spanish.
Prof. Dr. Daniel Pastor, Universidad de Buenos Aires
Prof. Dr. Stephan Parmentier, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Prof. Dr. Daniel Nsereko, University of Botswana
Prof. Dr. Fabio D’Avila, Pontificia Universidade Catolica de Porto Alegre
Prof. Dr. Giovani Saavedra, Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo
Prof. Dr. Alaor Leite, Universidade de Lisboa
Prof. Dr. Jean Pierre Matus, Universidad de Chile, Santiago de Chile
Prof. Wang Shizhou, Universität Peking
Costa Rica
Prof. Dr. Javier Llobet, Universidad de Costa Rica
Prof. Richard Vogler, University of Sussex
Dr. Antje Du Bois-Pedain, University of Cambridge
Prof. Dr. Kimmo Nuotio, University of Helsinki
Prof. Dr. Jocelyne Leblois Happe, Université Strassburg
Prof. Dr. Xavier Pin, Université Grenoble
Prof. Liz Heffernan, Trinity College, Dublin
Prof. Dr. Mordechai Kremnitzer, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Prof. Dr. Gabriele Fornasari, Università di Trento
Prof. Dr. Lorenzo Picotti, Unversità di Verona
Prof. Dr. Mauro Catenacci, Università Roma Tre
Prof. Dr. Makoto Tadaki, Chuo Universität
Prof. Fernando Velásquez, Universidad Sergio Arboleda, Bogotá
Prof. Dr. John Vervaele, University of Utrecht
Prof. Dr. Asbjørn Strandbakken, University of Bergen
Prof. Dr. Paulo de Sousa Mendes, Faculdade da Universidade de Lisboa
Prof. Dr. Luis Duarte D’Almeida, The University of Edinburgh
Prof. Dr. Petter Asp, Stockholm Universitet
Prof. Dr. Manuel Cancio, Universidad Autonoma, Madrid
Prof. Dr. Jose Luis De la Cuesta, Universidad de San Sebastían
Prof. Dr. Ricardo Robles, Universidad Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona
Prof. Dr. Fernando Sánchez Lázaro, Universidad de la Laguna
South Africa
Prof. Dr. Gerhard Kempf, University of Stellenbosch
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Hakan Hakeri, Istanbul Medeniyet Üniversitesi
United States
Prof. Jenia I. Turner, SMU Dedman School of Law, Dallas
Prof. Dr. Luis Chiesa, University of Buffalo, New York
Prof. Dr. Mirjan Damaska, Yale University
© 2021–2025 Prof. Dr. Thomas Rotsch, Geschäftsführender Herausgeber der Zeitschrift für Internationale Strafrechtswissenschaft